Membership is open to individuals and organisations.



For individuals, the benefits include the following:

Become part of a growing movement

  • For a limited time only – be recognised with a Founding Member certificate
  • Meet others who think like you
  • Draw on the expertise of leaders, thinkers, educators across the world
  • Access products, tools and services of our business partners
  • Network with colleagues at face-to-face and virtual meetings
  • Benefit from lobbying efforts at international, national, regional and local levels

Engage in Continuous Professional Development

  • Benefit from high quality learning at the Annual ICEOTAS Conference (included in membership fee)
  • Train as an accreditor

To become an individual member, please complete the form here.

The fee is £100 per year, pro rata from 1st September each year.


For organisations, the benefits also include the same benefits as an individual, plus…

  • For a limited time only – be recognised with a Founding Organisation certificate
  • Meet others who think like you
  • Draw on the expertise of leaders, thinkers, educators across the world
  • Access products, tools and services of our business partners
  • Network with colleagues at face-to-face and virtual meetings
  • Benefit from lobbying efforts at international, national, regional and local levels

Develop your organisation

  • Benefit from being associated with the largest and ever expanding network of educational provision otherwise than at school
  • Display your ICEOTAS membership certificate
  • Use ICEOTAS logo on marketing and communication material
  • Enhanced marketing of your group in the ICEOTAS eDirectory
  • Celebrate your work, your staff and your students in the annual newsletter
  • Market your achievements on our social media channels
  • Protect your group and your network through the ICEOTAS Code of Conduct
    Commented [ME7]: Hyperlink to Google form (not written yet)
  • Pursue full accreditation
  • Benefit from the Council’s lobbying and representation to Ministries of Education across the world, including exam boards

Enhance your students’ skills

  • Develop your students’ sporting skills through opportunities to compete at the appropriate levels
  • Enhance creative and performing arts through competitive and developmental events
  • Refine academic skills through online competitions
  • Accredit students through online learning courses
  • Expose students to regional and international competitive opportunities
  • Access our online Higher Education support, for your students who are looking to the next stage of their learning journey, including applying to university

Engage in Continuous Professional Development

  • Benefit from high quality learning at the Annual ICEOTAS Conference (three places included in membership fee)
  • Train as an accreditor
  • Access the expertise and local knowledge of our volunteer Country Reps

To become an organisation member, please complete the form here.

The fee is £250 (for the first 10 members) per year, pro rata from 1st September each year.